Peppered Coconut Conch recipe (Cayman Style)


Conch Meat: The conch is first pounded and scalded to tenderize. To pound filet the horn and meat and tenderize in a zip lock back or wrapping in plastic wrap or clean plastic bag. The horn meat is tougher so it will need more pounding. If you don’t have a meat tenderizer you can use the bottom of a thick empty beer or wine bottle.

*Cleaned Conch meat can also be purchased at your local grocer or online.

Serves 4-6


  • 5 lbs cleaned Conch Meat
  • 2 red medium-sized onions, sliced
  • 3 – 4 cloves of Garlic (diced)
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon Season salt or All Spice
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon Black pepper
  • 1/2 cup or a regular can coconut milk (If using canned, shake it well before opening) *You can pour the rest in a plastic sealed container and store in the fridge. Don’t wait too long to use the rest as it will curdle*
  • 1/2 Breadfruit, prepped and peeled for boiling
  • 1 Orange Scotch Bonnet recommended – Hot pepper to taste (Orange color are hotter and green or yellow are milder in heat)
  • 3 – 4 Seasoning Peppers (You can also add seasoning peppers which are smaller and no heat.


  1. Clean conch meat and pound to tenderize. You can filet the conch meat to your preferred size. Conch meat can be pound in a zip lock bag with a meat tenderizer or bottom of a solid bottle
  2. Add enough water to cover the conch about two inches above meat. Boil conch on medium-low heat for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or more until tender. Add diced garlic and add Seasoning peppers and 1 scotch pepper cut up fine and stemless and de-seeded. (Please use gloves when cutting up or if using bare hands remember after to scrub hands and underneath fingernails) *If you don’t desire the pepper heat then boil in a whole unburst pepper* You can also add the Red onion at this time if you wish to boil or wait until after and use sliced as a garnish.
  3. Leave about 1/2 of water and add and the rest of the ingredients such as breadfruit, red onions, and dry seasonings, to the pot and simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes. Give it a stir carefully stir halfway through this cooking time as to not break up the breadfruit.
  4. Serve with White Rice and optional sides of Cassava, Pumpkin, Fried Ripe Plantain, Cornbread.

The open season for conch and whelks officially began on November 1 and runs until April 30. Conch may not be taken from any of the marine protected areas around the three islands, including the recently introduced Wildlife Interaction Zones

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